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Roundtable: Cut Costs, Not Culture with MGM Resorts and Grokker

Defeating Depression Guide - Managers Session #2: Providing Support & Practicing Difficult Conversations

When faced with ongoing economic uncertainty CHROs face challenging tough choices: slash spending or invest ? Satisfy shareholders or cater to employees?

Hear Jyoti Chopra, Chief People, Inclusion and Sustainability Officer of MGM Resorts International and Lorna Borenstein, CEO of Grokker in an exclusive discussion for how enterprise leaders can approach “Cost Savings and ROI” without compromising on employee wellbeing and mental health when they need it the most.

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Depression affects millions of people worldwide. Despite this, there is still a stigma attached to mental health and uncertainty around discussing it. As a manager, you want to show your employees you support them through the challenges they face, including mental their mental health. In this webinar, clinical psychologist Dr. Catherine Wikholm offers guidance to managers so they can be better equipped to discuss not only their employees’ mental wellbeing, but also navigate difficult conversations with care and support.  

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn how, as a manager, you can support your struggling employees in their time of need
  • Practice sample conversations and learn how to approach difficult subjects and conversations in a constructive manner

Armed with these tools, managers can feel empowered to support their team’s wellbeing.

What You'll Learn:

    •  What Mindfulness means and how to approach it
    •  How to understand your thinking style and mood
    •  How your past experiences, upbringing, and beliefs influence your thinking
    •  And knowing that it's going to be okay!

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Janet King

VP of Research and Content, Arizent/EBN

Lorna Borenstein

CEO, Grokker

Author of “It’s Personal, The Business Case for Caring"

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The roundtable is produced by Grokker Innovation Labs

Grokker Innovation Labs (GIL) is a research organization committed to advancing employee wellbeing, mental health, and workplace culture. We work with industry experts, leading employers, and with our vast employee member-base to discover insights, best practices and strategies to enhance employee wellbeing and mental health.

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