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The Modern Wellbeing Platform. Built for Impact.

Groker is the health and wellbeing platform that solves the employee retention equation.


3 Steps to Achieving Real Value with Employee Health Engagement

What are you paying for: measurements or results?


Cut Costs, Not Culture

Roundtable with Jyoti Chopra, CHRO, MGM Resorts
and Lorna Bornestein, CEO, Grokker

Give employees the tools to build happier and healthier lives, while maximizing your workforce wellness budget on data that delivers.

Employees are struggling. They’re busier and more unhealthy than ever: sitting more, eating worse, sleeping less, and stressing out, and employers are paying the price. Traditional wellness programs rely on biometric screenings and participation incentives to make employees aware of their risk factors. But here’s the catch: the pricey payout doesn’t move the needle on healthy lifestyle change.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the correlation between lifestyle habits, chronic disease, and employee disengagement
  • The VOI equation: Measuring the value of your investment in employee health engagement
  • Giving your diverse and dispersed workforce the toolkit they need and want to build better habits, one step at a time
  • How to measure what truly matters to your company and employees

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From friendly challenge competitions to gamification elements like streaks and badges.



Grokker provides every employee with an end-to-end personalized experience.



No employee wants to have their activities tracked, monitored, or measured by their employer.


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I have never recieved so much positive, unsolicited feedback from employees about a benefit.


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